perm filename QUAL.80[AM,DBL] blob sn#528280 filedate 1980-08-15 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	            General AI Perspective
C00028 00004			Readings
C00052 00005	Stanford AI Syllabus - 1980                                              Page 22
C00060 00006	Stanford AI Syllabus - 1980                                              Page 23
C00069 00007	Stanford AI Syllabus - 1980                                              Page 24
C00071 ENDMK
            General AI Perspective

     There are several recent books on AI which attempt to provide  an overview.
Of these, [Boden AI]  and [Winston AI] are  the best starting point.  One recent
book ([McCorduck  AI]) details  the  early history and  sociology of  the field.
Shorter  articles  which  provide  long-term  perspective  are  [Minsky  STEPS],
[Feigenbaum IFIP], [Lenat  UBIQ], and [Nilsson  OVERVIEW].  In addition,  the AI
handbook will provide  an overview of  lots of AI  issues. [Nilsson AI2]  is now
available, and its novel organization cuts across most of the categories  on our
list above.

            Weak Methods

     Classicaly,  AI has  been  associated with  a  set of  methods  for problem
solving and search which have  been called "weak methods".  These  include early
work  such as  GPS [Newell,  Shaw, and  Simon], notions  of heuristic  search as
described in [Nilsson AI] and [Handbook SEARCH], and more theoretical ideas abot
problem spaces discussed in [Newell ILL] and at length in [Newell &  Simon HPS].

            Knowledge Engineering - Expert Systems

     Much of current AI work  is being subsumed under the heading  of "knowledge
engineering".  [Bernstein KBS] is  a general survey of knowledge  based systems.
[Winston AI]  gives a  general idea  of systems of  this kind  done at  MIT, and
[Feigenbaum IJCAI5] describes the general approach.  A number of  expert systems
have been built  in the past  few years.  [Handbook APPLICATIONS] provides  some
overviews and details for most  of the  recent efforts.   Applications  to Music
[Moorer][Zaripov] and Art [Gips][Cohen IJCAI6] should also be looked  over.  The
MIT perspective is covered in [Winston & Brown], V.1, Sec.1.

            Knowledge Representation Formalisms

     A  number  of  current  AI  research  projects  are  centered   around  the
development of knowledge representation languages.  Some of the early  issues in
representation are discussed in [Amarel ACTIONS] and [Bobrow  DIMENSIONS].  More
recent  discussions include  [Winograd  FRAME], [Hayes  DEFENCE],  and [Winograd
EXTENDED].   Procedural  Embedding,  Semantic  Networks,  Conceptual Dependency,
Frames (Scripts,  etc.), Production Systems,  and Description  Languages.  These
are all treated well in [Handbook REPRESENTATION].

            Planning and Common-sense Reasoning

     Much of the AI work related  to robotics dealt with the planning  of action
sequences.  GPS [Newell, Shaw and  Simon] was the early classic, and  other well
known systems are STRIPS [Fikes, Hart, Nilsson] and NOAH  [Sacerdoti NONLINEAR].
An early discussion of the problems is in [McCarthy ADVICE-TAKER].

             Programming Languages for AI

        List Processing -- LISP
        String processing -- SNOBOL
        Associative mechanisms -- LEAP/SAIL
        Active data structures -- SIMULA/SMALLTALK/ACTORS
        Pattern Matching                [Bobrow & Raphael]
        Data Structures                 [Knuth Vol.I]
        PLANNER, CONNIVER, QA4, etc.    [Bobrow & Raphael]
        Production Systems              [Davis & King OVERVIEW]


     The following journals (and  conferences) present material relevant  to AI:

        Journal of AI
        Machine Intelligence (1 - 9)
        IJCAI proceedings (1 - 6)
        TINLAP proceedings (1 - 2)
        Cognitive Psychology
        American Journal of Computational Linguistics
        Cognitive Science Journal
        Cognitive Science Society
        The Behavioral & Brain Sciences


     A simple annotation system has been used to give some feeling for the level
and importance  (measured idiosyncratically by  the tutorial preparers)  of each
paper.  The level is indicated as:

        ESS:  An essay giving general perspective and discussion of basic
        SURV: A survey of research work in some area
        SUM:  A summary at a non-detailed level of a specific piece of
        DR:   A detailed research report
        TEXT: A textbook

     The importance is based on whether the paper is important for understanding
a general perspective (P), whether  it has one or more specific  important ideas
(I), or whether it  gives a set of details worth knowing (D).

     A basic background can be acquired  via the books marked "@@"; gaps  may be
filled with those  papers marked "@".   These together can  be thought of  as an
initial reading list.

@@Artificial Intelligence  Handbook; [AIHandbook], a  comprehensive encyclopedia
   of work in AI,  prepared by HPP, CS Dept, Stanford U., 1980. (SURV!!)

@Amarel, S. (1968) On Representations of Problems of Reasoning About Actions, in
   Machine  Intelligence 3,  pp.  131-171 (eds  Meltzer and  Michie),  New York:
   American Elsevier Publishing Company.  (DR,P,I:effects of change of  repr. on
   problem solubility, )

Barstow, David R.,  A Knowledge Base  Organization for Rules  about Programming,
   Proc. IJCAI5, 1977, 382-388 (DR)

Bernstein, M.I., Knowledge-Based Systems: A Tutorial, TM-(L)-5903/000/00A, SDC,
   June 1977 (SURV,P)

Bobrow, Dan, and Allan Collins, editors, Representation and  Understanding, New
   York: Academic Press,  1975 (a collection of  papers, each at  least (SUM,I))
   See esp. "Dimensions of Repr." and Woods' "What's in a Link?"

Bobrow and Raphael, (1973) New Programming Languages for AI Research, Computing
   Surveys, 6, 1974,  155-174. (SURV, I) Still  quite relevant, after  all these

Bobrow,  D. and  T. Winograd  An Overview  of KRL,  a  Knowledge Representation
   Language, Cognitive Science, 1, 1977, 3-46 (SUM,I: controlled  processing and

Boden, Margaret  A. Artificial  Intelligence and Natural  Man, New  York, Books,
   Inc.,  1977  (TEXT &  SURV,P)  Probably the  best  comprehensive nontechnical
   introduction to AI.

Brachman,  R.J.,  What's  in a  Concept:  Structural  Foundations  for Semantic
   Networks, Int'l J. Man-Machine Studies, 9, 1977, 127-152 (DR,P)

Chase, W.G.,  editor, Visual Information  Processing, Academic Press,  New York,
   1973.  (Collection,  each of  which  is at  least  (SUM, ))  See  esp. Newell
   "Production Systems: Models of Control Structures".

Davis, Randall Generalized  Procedure Calling and  Content-Directed Invocation,
   Proc. ACM  Symposium AI &  PL, 1977, 45-54  (SURV,I: procedures  should state
   their effects)

Davis, Randall,  Meta-Level Knowledge: Overview  and Applications,  Proc IJACI5,
   1977, 920-927 (SUM,I: meta-knowledge)

@Davis, Randall, and Jonathan King An Overview of Production Systems, in Machine
   Intelligence 8,  E. Elcock  and D. Michie  (eds), Chichester,  Ellis Horwood,
   1977 (SURV,P)

Davis, Randall,  Bruce Buchanan,  and Edward Shortliffe,  Production Rules  as a
   Representation  for   a  Knowledge-Based  consultation   Program,  Artificial
   Intelligence,  8,  1977,  15-45 (DR,I:  organization  and  use  of knowledge,
   computer-based consultation)

Erman,  L.D. and  V.R. Lesser  A Multi-level  Organization for  Problem Solving
   Using Many Diverse Cooperating Sources of Knowledge, Proc IJCAI4,  1975, 483-
   490 (DR,I: modular knowledge sources, blackboard)

@@Feigenbaum, Edward  A., and Feldman,  Julian, editors, Computers  and Thought,
   [C&T], McGraw-Hill Book  Company, New York, New  York, 1963.  Old  but almost
   each  article  is  still  quite  worth a  careful  reading;  to  name  a few:
   Feigenbaum,  Gelernter, Newell  et al,  Turing, Armer,  Minsky.  (Collection;
   some (ESS,), most (SUM,I))

@Feigenbaum, E.A.  The Art  of Artificial Intelligence: Themes and  Case Studies
   of Knowledge Engineering, Proc IJCAI5, 1977, 1014-1029 (SURV,I: use  of large
   amounts of domain-specific knowledge)

Funt, Brian WHISPER: A Problem-Solving System Utilizing Diagrams,  Proc IJCAI5,
   1977, 459-464 (SUM,I: analogical reasoning may buy us some nice properties)

Green, Cordell, and Barstow, David, "On Program Synthesis Knowledge", Artificial
   Intelligence, Volume 10, Number 3, November 1978, pages 241-279. (DR, I)

Hayes, Patrick J.  Some Problems and Non-Problems in Representation Theory, AISB
   Summer Conference, 1974 (ESS & SURV, D)

Hunt,  Earl B.,  Artificial Intelligence,  Academic Press,  Inc., New  York, New
   York, 1975. (TEXT, D:good coverage of pattern recog. and perceptrons)

International  Joint  Conferences in  Artificial  Intelligence,  held biannually
   since 1969;  proceedings available from  program chairmen; best  indicator of
   current research trends.  Abbreviated "IJCAI".

Jackson,  Philip C.,  Jr., Introduction  to Artificial  Intelligence, Petrocelli
   Books,  New York,  New York,  1974.   Elementary; if  you feel  lost  in some
   subfield, consult this.  (TEXT, )

Kling, Robert E., A Paradigm for Reasoning by Analogy, Artificial Intelligence,
   2, 1971, pp. 147-178.  (SUM, I:similar to Evans' idea, but analyzed further.)

Lenat, Douglas B., BEINGS: Knowledge as Interacting Experts, Proc  IJCAI4, 1975,
   126-133 (DR, I:beings)

@Lenat,  Douglas B.,  Automated Theory  Formation in  Mathematics,  Proc IJCAI5,
   1977, 833-842 (DR,I: heuristics to generate search)

Lenat,  Douglas B.,  and  John McDermott,  Less Than  General  Production System
   Architectures, Proc IJCAI5, 1977, 928-932 (SURV, I: gain power by sacrificing

Victor Lesser, Richard Fennell, Lee Erman and D. Raj Reddy, Organization of the
   Hearsay II Speech Understanding System, IEEE Symposium on Speech Recognition,
   Computer Science Dept., Carnegie Mellon Univ., 1974.  (SUM,  I:modular system

McCarthy, J.,  [ADVICE-TAKER] "Programs  With Common  Sense", Stanford  AI Memo
   AIM-7,,AD785044, 7 pages, September 1963.  For details, also look at also the
   following memo: (ESS, I:what we need is...)

McCarthy,  J.  and  Hayes,  P.  (1969)  Some  Philosophical  Problems  from The
   Standpoint of AI.  Machine Intelligence  4 (eds Meltzer and Michie)  pp. 463-
   502. Edinburgh University Press. (ESS/DR:  I/D: More of the same as  the last
   reading. Further developed.)

McCarthy,  J.,  Epistemological  Problems  of  Artificial  Intelligence,  Proc.
   IJCAI5, 1977, 1038-1044 (ESS,I: what is AI still missing?)

Meltzer, Bernard, and Michie, Donald, editors, Machine Intelligence,  volumes 1-
   6, American  Elsevier Publishing  Company, New York,  New York,  volumes 7-8,
   Halstead Press, New York;  volumes 9- , John  Wiley & Sons, New  York. Almost
   annually  (since  1967).   Needless  to  say,  don't  study   every  article.
   (Collection of articles, each at least (SUM, )).

Meltzer,  Bernard, and  Bobrow,  Daniel, editors,  Artificial  Intelligence: An
   International  Journal,  North-Holland  Publishing  Company,  Amsterdam,  The
   Netherlands, quarterly (since 1970).  (Collection of articles, each  at least
   (SUM, )).

Moore, Robert Carter, Reasoning  about Knowledge and Action, Proc  IJCAI5, 1977,
   223-227 (SUM,I)

@Newell, A. (1969) [ILL] Heuristic Programming: Ill-Structured Problems, in (ed.
   Aronofsky,  A.) Progress  in Operations  Research III,  John Wiley  and Sons.
   (ESS, P)

Newell,   A.  (1965)   Limitations  of   The  Current   Stock  of   Ideas  about
   Problem:Solving.   Proceedings  of  a  Conference  on  Electronic Information
   Handling,  pp. 195-208.  (eds  Kent and  Taulbee) New  York:  Spartan.  (ESS,
   interesting reading)

@Newell, A., and Simon, Herbert A., [HPS] Human Problem  Solving, Prentice-Hall,
   Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1972, xvi + 920 pages. Read the first  and last
   chapters, look over Chaps. 3,4,8.  (DR/ESS/SUM, D:know what LT and  GPS were,
   what a PBG is, production systems)

Nilsson, N. J. (1974) [OVERVIEW] Artificial Intelligence, SRI Technical  Note 89
   (March, 1974), and also Information Processing 74,  North-Holland: Amsterdam,
   1975 (SURV)

Nilsson,  Nils  J.,  [AI] Problem-solving  Methods  in  Artificial Intelligence,
   McGraw-Hill  Book  Company, New  York,  New York,  1971  (TEXT,  but I/D:Good
   presentation of resolution, searching, β, etc.)

Nilsson, Nils J., Principles of Artificial Intelligence, Tioga, Palo Alto, 1980.
   (TEXT, attempts a new synthesis of much of the field) [AI2]

Sacerdoti, Planning in  a Hierarchy of  Abstraction Spaces, Proc  IJCAI3, 1973,
   412-422 (SUM, I:planning is just searching a sparser, more abstract space)

Sacerdoti, E., The Nonlinear Nature of Plans, Proc IJCAI4, 1975, 206-214 (DR,I:
   the title)

[S&C] Schank,  R. and Colby,  K. Computer Models  of Thought and  Language, San
   Francisco: Freeman, 1973 (Collection; Note especially chapters 1,4,5,6)

Schank,  Collins,  and  Charniak, eds.,  Cognitive  Science,  journal, published
   quarterly since 1977 by Ablex Publishing Co, New Jersey

Schatz, B.; "The Computation of Immediate Texture Discrimination" MIT Artificial
   Intelligence Laboratory, AI Memo 426, August 1977. (DR)

Schmidt,  C.F., and  N.S. Sridharan,  Plan Recognition  Using a  Hypothesize and
   Revise Paradigm: An Example, Proc IJCAI5, 1977, 480-486 (SUM,I)
                                Proc IJCAI5
                                Proc IJCAI5
                                Proc IJCAI5

Schubert, L., Extending the Expressive Power of Semantic Networks,  Proc IJCAI4,
                                                                    Proc IJCAI4
                                                                    Proc IJCAI4
                                                                    Proc IJCAI4
   1975, 158-164 (DR,I: how to represent quantification, etc, in semantic nets)

Schwartz,  Jacob T.,  On Programming:  An Interim  Report on  the  SETL Project,
                      On Programming:  An Interim  Report on  the  SETL Project
                      On Programming:  An Interim  Report on  the  SETL Project
                      On Programming:  An Interim  Report on  the  SETL Project
   revised,  Computer  Science  Department,  Courant  Institute  of Mathematical
   Sciences, New York University, New York, New York, June 1975.

Shortliffe,  Edward,  MYCIN:  Computer-Based  Medical  Consultations,  New York:
                      MYCIN:  Computer-Based  Medical  Consultations
                      MYCIN:  Computer-Based  Medical  Consultations
                      MYCIN:  Computer-Based  Medical  Consultations
   American Elsevier, 1976. (DR,I: automated diagnosis)

@Shortliffe,  Davis,   Axline,  Buchanan,   Green,  and   Cohen,  Computer-based
   Consultations  in  Clinical Therapeutics:  Explanation  and  Rule Acquisition
   Capabilities of  the MYCIN System,  preprint for article  in Volume 8  of the
   Journal for  Computers in Biomedical  Research, June, 1975.   (SUM, I:Medical
   Journal for  Computers in Biomedical  Research
   Journal for  Computers in Biomedical  Research
   Journal for  Computers in Biomedical  Research
   application of production systems; communication with experts)

Shrobe, Howard,  Richard Waters,  and Gerald  Sussman, A  Hypothetical Monologue
   Illustrating the  Knowledge Underlying  Program Analysis,  MIT LCS  Memo 506,
   January 1979. (ESS,)

SIGART Newsletter, Special  Interest Group on Artificial  Intelligence (SIGART),
SIGART Newsletter
SIGART Newsletter
SIGART Newsletter
   Association for Computing  Machinery, New York,  New York, quarterly  (if you
   believe that, you probably will have trouble passing the qual).  (SURV/SUM, )

Simmons, R. (1965) Answering English Questions by a Computer: A Survey,  CACM 8,
   1; January, 1965, pp. 53-70. (SURV, gives reasonable picture of state  of art
   at that time)

Simmons, R. (1970) Natural Language QA Systems. CACM 13, 1; Jan., 1970,  pp. 15-
   30. (SURV, gives reasonable picture of state of art at that time)

Simon, Herbert A., How Big is a Chunk?, Science, 1974, 183, 482-488 (ESS)

@Simon, H (1973)  Lessons from Perception  for Chess-Playing Programs  (and vice
   versa), CMU Computer Science Research Review 1972-1973, pp.35-40. (ESS I)

Simon, Herbert A., and  Siklossy, Laurent, editors, Representation  and Meaning:
                                                    Representation  and Meaning:
                                                    Representation  and Meaning:
                                                    Representation  and Meaning:
   Experiments  with  Information Processing  Systems,  Prentice-Hall, Englewood
   Experiments  with  Information Processing  Systems
   Experiments  with  Information Processing  Systems
   Experiments  with  Information Processing  Systems
   Cliffs, New Jersey,  1972, xx + 440  pages, (collection of  CMU dissertations
   each (SUM or DR)) See esp. Simon's "On Reasoning About Actions" (SUM,P)
Stanford AI Syllabus - 1980                                              Page 22

Sloman,   Aaron   (1971)   Interactions   Between   Philosophy   and  Artificial
   Intelligence:   The  Role   of   Intuition  and   Non-Logical   Reasoning  in
   Intelligence, Journal  of AI,  2, 1971, pp.  209-225.  Provocative.   (ESS, P
                 Journal  of AI
                 Journal  of AI
                 Journal  of AI
   looking for philosophical implications of AI work)

Sloman, Aaron, The Computer Revolution in Philosophy, Humanities Press, 1979.
               The Computer Revolution in Philosophy
               The Computer Revolution in Philosophy
               The Computer Revolution in Philosophy

Smith,  Brian C.,  Levels, Layers,  and  Planes: The  Framework of  a  System of
   Knowledge Representation Semantics, unpublished Masters thesis, Dept. of E.E.
   & C.S., M.I.T., 1978. (DR,I: new directions in representation and meaning)

@Smith, R.G., T.M.Mitchell, R.A. Chestek, and B.G.Buchanan, A Model for Learning
   Systems, Proc IJCAI5, 1977, 338-343 (SURV, P)
            Proc IJCAI5
            Proc IJCAI5
            Proc IJCAI5

Soloway,  Elliot M.  and Edward  M. Riseman,  Levels of  Pattern  Description in
   Learning, Proc IJCAI5, 1977, 801-811 (DR,I)
             Proc IJCAI5
             Proc IJCAI5
             Proc IJCAI5

Sussman, G., and D.V.McDermott, From Planning to Conniving: A  Genetic Approach,
   Proc ACM FJCC, 1972 (SUM, I:where Planner went wrong, and Conniver doesn't)
   Proc ACM FJCC
   Proc ACM FJCC
   Proc ACM FJCC

Szolovits, P., L.B. Hawkinson, and W.A. Martin, An Overview of OWL,  an language
   for knowledge representation, M.I.T. LCS-TM-86, 1977. (SUM)

Thomas,A.J.  and  T.  O. Binford;  "Information  Processing  Analysis  of Visual
   Perception: A  Review"; Stanford  AI Lab Memo  AIM-227, CS-408,  1974. (SURV,

Vere,  Steven  A.,  Induction  of  Relational  Productions  in  the  Presence of
   Background Information, Proc. IJCAI5, 1977, 349-355 (DR,)
                           Proc. IJCAI5
                           Proc. IJCAI5
                           Proc. IJCAI5

@Walker,  Donald  E., William  H.  Paxton, et  al.,  Procedures  for Integrating
   Knowledge in a Speech Understanding System, Proc IJCAI5, 1977, 36-42 (SUM,I)
                                               Proc IJCAI5
                                               Proc IJCAI5
                                               Proc IJCAI5

Waltz, David (ed.), TINLAP-2: Theoretical Issues in Natural Language Processing,
                    TINLAP-2: Theoretical Issues in Natural Language Processing,
                    TINLAP-2: Theoretical Issues in Natural Language Processing,
                    TINLAP-2: Theoretical Issues in Natural Language Processing,
   an  interdisciplinary  workshop  in  computational  linguistics,  psychology,
   an  interdisciplinary  workshop  in  computational  linguistics,  psychology,
   an  interdisciplinary  workshop  in  computational  linguistics,  psychology,
   an  interdisciplinary  workshop  in  computational  linguistics,  psychology,
   linguistics, and artificial intelligence, University of Illinois,  June 1977.
   linguistics, and artificial intelligence
   linguistics, and artificial intelligence
   linguistics, and artificial intelligence
   (a collection of papers, mostly SUM)

Waterman, D., and F.  Hayes-Roth, Pattern-Directed Inference Systems,  New York,
                                  Pattern-Directed Inference Systems
                                  Pattern-Directed Inference Systems
                                  Pattern-Directed Inference Systems
   Academic Press, 1978  (a collection of papers,  mostly SUM; good  coverage of
   state-of-the-art work in production systems) See esp. Duda et al; Hayes-Roth,
   Waterman, & Lenat.

Weiner, N.   The Human  uses of  Human Beings:  Cybernetics and  Society, Anchor
             The Human  uses of  Human Beings:  Cybernetics and  Society
             The Human  uses of  Human Beings:  Cybernetics and  Society
             The Human  uses of  Human Beings:  Cybernetics and  Society
   1954. (ESS, P)

Weizenbaum,  J., ELIZA,  CACM  1966, 9,  36-45.   (SUM, I:It's  easy  to pretend
   intelligence by  reflective listening,  or, more  generally, by  very careful
   selection of the task to be performed)

@Weizenbaum,   Joseph,  Computer   Power  and   Human  Reason,   San  Francisco,
                        Computer   Power  and   Human  Reason
                        Computer   Power  and   Human  Reason
                        Computer   Power  and   Human  Reason
   W.H.Freeman, 1976 (ESS, I: we  should be aware of the larger  implications of
   our work)
Stanford AI Syllabus - 1980                                              Page 23

Weyhrauch, R. Prolegomena to a theory of mechanized formal  reasoning.  Stanford
   A.I. Memo, 1979 (DR,P)

Wickelgren, Wayne A.,  How to Solve Problems:  Elements of a Theory  of Problems
                       How to Solve Problems:  Elements of a Theory  of Problems
                       How to Solve Problems:  Elements of a Theory  of Problems
                       How to Solve Problems:  Elements of a Theory  of Problems
   and  Problem-solving.   San  Francisco:  W.H.  Freeman  and   Company,  1974.
   and  Problem-solving
   and  Problem-solving
   and  Problem-solving
   Integrates Newell and Polya's ideas.  (DR, I:Reconciling Polya and one of his
   students, A. Newell)

Wilks,  Y., Natural  Language Understanding  Systems within  the AI  Paradigm: A
   Survey and Some Comparsions, AIM-237, Stanford U., 1974 (SURV,P)

@Winograd, Terry, "Five Lectures on Artificial Intelligence",  Stanford AIM-246,
   CS459, ADA000085/1WC, 93 pages, September 1974.  (ESS, P)

Winograd, Terry, Understanding Natural Language, Academic Press, Inc., New York,
                 Understanding Natural Language
                 Understanding Natural Language
                 Understanding Natural Language
   New York, 1972, viii + 191 pages, $10.00. See paper in Schank and Colby or in
   5  Lectures  for  summary.   (DR,  I:Procedural  knowledge  in  an integrated

Winograd,   Terry,   Frame   representations   and   the  declarative/procedural
   controversy, in Bobrow &  Collins (ed), Representation &  Understanding, 1975
                                           Representation &  Understanding
                                           Representation &  Understanding
                                           Representation &  Understanding
   (ESS, I:modularity of knowledge structures, frames)

Winograd, T., On some contested suppositions of generative linguistics about the
   scientific study of language, Cognition, 5, 1977 (reply to earlier article by
   Drescher and Hornstein) (ESS,P)

Winograd,  Terry,  Towards  a  Procedural  Understanding  of   Semantics,  Revue
   Internationale de Philosophie,  1976 fasc. 3-4 (117-118).  (ESS,I: procedural
   Internationale de Philosophie
   Internationale de Philosophie
   Internationale de Philosophie
   semantics in linguistics)

Winston,  P.  H.  (1972)  The M.I.T.  Robot,  Machine  Intelligence  7, American
                                              Machine  Intelligence  7
                                              Machine  Intelligence  7
                                              Machine  Intelligence  7
   Elsevier Pub. (SURV, I:Heterarchical systems)

@Winston, Patrick  H., editor,  The Psychology  of Computer  Vision, McGraw-Hill
                                The Psychology  of Computer  Vision
                                The Psychology  of Computer  Vision
                                The Psychology  of Computer  Vision
   Publishing  Company, New  York, New  York, 1975,  $18.00.  Mostly  MIT vision
   work. See Minsky's FRAMES paper, Shirai's, Waltz's,  Winston's.  (Collection,
   each at least (DR/SUM, ))

@@Winston, P. and R.  Brown, eds., Artificial Intelligence: An  MIT Perspective,
                                   Artificial Intelligence: An  MIT Perspective
                                   Artificial Intelligence: An  MIT Perspective
                                   Artificial Intelligence: An  MIT Perspective
   (2 volumes), M.I.T., 1979.  Copies available from MIT, library, and TW.  This
   subsumes the  1974 memo  "New Progress  in Artificial  Intelligence".  (SURV,
   Collection of summaries)

@Winston,  Patrick H.,  Artificial Intelligence,  Reading:  Addison-Wesley, 1977
                        Artificial Intelligence
                        Artificial Intelligence
                        Artificial Intelligence
   (TEXT, P) (one of the best overviews of the field)

Woodham, R.J.; "A Cooperative Algorithm for Determining Surface Orientation from
   a Single View"; Proc IJCAI5, 1977, 635-641. (DR)
                   Proc IJCAI5
                   Proc IJCAI5
                   Proc IJCAI5

Woods, W. A. and Makhoul,  J. (1973) Mechnical Inference Problems  in Continuous
   Speech Understanding.  Proc IJCAI3, pp.   200-207.  This describes  a partly-
                          Proc IJCAI3
                          Proc IJCAI3
                          Proc IJCAI3
   implemented  system.  For  the  final  story,  see  Woods'  article  in  IEEE
   Transactions on ASSP, February, 1975.  (SUM, I:Incremental simulation)
Stanford AI Syllabus - 1980                                              Page 24

Woods,  W.,  M. Bates,  B.  Bruce,  and B.L.Nash-Webber,  Uses  of  Higher Level
   Knowledge in a Speech Understanding System, SIGART, April 1976 (SUM,I)

Yakimovsky, Y. and Feldman,  J. (1973) A Semantics-Based Decision  Theory Region
   Analyzer. Proc IJCAI3, Advanced Papers pp 580-8. (SUM, I:pruning  using real-
             Proc IJCAI3
             Proc IJCAI3
             Proc IJCAI3
   world constraints)